
Sanford and Edenville Dam Failures: A Bright Spot Hidden in Tragedy

July 26, 2022

On May 19, 2020, there were two catastrophic, sequential dam failures on Wixom Lake (Edenville) and Sanford Lake on the Tittabawassee River system in central Michigan.  These failures forced the evacuation of over 10,000 residents and resulted in damage to homes, businesses, and structures costing hundreds of millions of dollars.   Despite the devastation, one very surprising aspect of this event received very little attention; there were no fatalities or serious injuries. 

Ishikawa/Fishbone - New in Causelink 7!

June 07, 2021

The Ishikawa/Fishbone diagram has long been used as a tool to help guide excerises brainstorming potential causes based on catagories. Sologic has used the principles of Ishikawa/Fishbone in the process of data gathering from the beginning.  Now we've incorporated it into Causelink.

How to Reduce Incidents When Stress is a Root Cause

April 12, 2021

Stress Awareness Month has been recognized every April since 1992, but this year it seems particularly important. Read on to discuss how to recognize and manage stress as a root cause of incidents at work.

Root Cause Analysis Tools For Better Problem Solving

March 23, 2021

Find out some of common tools for problem solving and root cause analysis and their benefits 

Human & Organizational Performance

January 18, 2021

Human and organizational performance examines the confluence of systems and people.  Systems are relatively static and constant.  People are highly variable.  These characteristics are really important to overall success.  We need predictability and stability in our systems – we don’t want them to change all the time.  

What is Fishbone Analysis?

November 27, 2020

The fishbone diagram is a classic root cause analysis documentation technique.  This blog explores how the fishbone process works, what makes it effective, and where it may come up short if used on its own.