Find Sologic at the Following Events:

June 10 - 14, 2024
30th Annual Community of Human and Organizational Learning Conference
Link to Community of Human & Organizational Learning Page
Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort and Spa
1610 Lake Las Vegas Parkway
Henderson, Nevada 89011
+1 (702) 567-4700
Brian Hughes will be leading two pre-conference workshops on Monday, June 10th.
Brian Hughes and Leslie McHugh (United Airlines) will be speaking on building, implementing, and operating an organizational learning program centered around caual analysis.

August 7 - 9, 2024
American Society for Safety Professionals Safety 2024 Conference
Link to Safety 2024
Sologic will be hosting a booth #853 - stop by and say hello!

September 24 - 26, 2024
Washington Sate Governor's Industrial Health and Safety Conference
Link to WA State Governor's Industrial Safety and Health Conference
Tacomal, WA
Brian Hughes will be leading a pre-conference workshop on investigating incidents and using causal analysis.

Previous 2024 Events:

March 19, 2024
Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) 
VPP Seminar: Melvin E. James Honorary Lectures on Safety and Health
Tumwater, WA
Brian Hughes to present a practical guide to root cause analysis for employers

March 20, 2024
Washington State Hospital Association 
Link to Washington State Hospital Association
Brian Hughes to present an overview on structured problem-solving and root cause analysis for hospitals and healthcare providers, specfifically focusing on Sentinel Events.

March 27, 2024
Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) 
Construction Safety Day
Link to WA State Construction Safety Day
Puyallup, WA
Brian Hughes to present on incident investigation, risk mitigation, and root cause analysis focused on the Construction industry

April 16 - 17, 2024
Michigan Safety Conference
Link to Michigan Safety Conference
Grand Rapids, MI
Come visit Chris and Sydney at Booth 511!
Chris will be presenting two topics:
  • “Human Performance meets RCA” to the Chemical Division at 12:30pm on April 16
  • “RCA Facilitation: Tips, Traps and People” to the Public Utilities Division at 3:30pm on April 16

Global problem solving and investigation specialists Sologic® have released Version 6 of their Causelink Root Cause Analysis (RCA) software. V6 represents a significant step forward in problem solving software, featuring an exciting new template that combines the speed and ease of the widely-used ‘5 Whys’ RCA method with the evidence-based, analytical power of the Sologic process. 

Problem Solvers know that the ‘5 Whys’ method provides a simple and fast “go-anywhere” analysis, well-suited to problems ranging from light to moderate in complexity. Using Causelink’s 5Whys+ template, organizations can quickly investigate more operational issues to a greater depth without adding more resources. The simplicity of 5Whys+ removes barriers to wider RCA implementation, such as “it takes too long”, “we’re too busy”, or "it’s too complicated”.   Analysts can investigate more events with higher quality, delivering better Management Information and Corporate Memory.  

5Whys+ delivers improved ways to communicate, assign corrective and preventative actions (CAPA), and produce detailed but compact, easy to share reports.  With these major improvements to the standard 5 Whys method, this new template provides all the detail necessary to support the needs of most RCA investigations. When problems are more complex, expand the analysis and access all the features supported in the classic Causelink RCA universe.  

The Causelink V6 upgrade also delivers other important new RCA features and improvements, including:

  • Enhanced Cause & Effect Engine - including simplified chart, configurable views, and the ability to associate and display evidence (pictures, PDFs, etc.) directly on the cause and effect chart.
  • Comprehensive Change Log - each record provides a change log where you can see who made changes and when.
  • Customizable Tags – a user-defined tag library provides a way to analyze deeper trends and patterns across records with your preferred nomenclature (Causelink Enterprise only).
  • Greater Integration – Causelink now integrates with data visualization tools, such as Tableau and Microsoft Power BI.
  • UI Improvements - easier data export, improved user management, efficient evidence storage, improved workflow, localization, collaboration, and reporting.
The new upgrade is available to Causelink Individual customers and will be deployed to Causelink Enterprise SaaS and On-Premise customers over the next several weeks.  

For a free trial visit Causelink Individual. Schedule a Causelink Enterprise demo

For more information visit or call +1 989-835-3402.