Listed below are resources that will help your team understand the capabilities of the software.  We will periodically update this page as new resources become available.

End User Resources

Video - walks you through many of the software features, including cause and effect charting and PDF generation.

User Guide - describes all features, including the capabilities of each role within the system.  

Introductory Powerpoint - describes some of the main features, such as roles, permissions, and action tracking.

Software Support Policy - describes support terms, conditions, and technical support levels.

IT and Developer Resources

System Requirements - describes requirements for hosting Causelink Enterprise.

Network Diagram - describes a typical network configuration.

Setup Instructions - step by step instructions for installing the software.

Acceptance Testing Guide - describes the functional input/output tests your team should run after installation.

Active Directory Instructions - describes the options available when integrating with Active Directory for user management.

ADFS Instructions - describes SaaS customer integration steps.

API Guide* - This document is useful for customers who want to integrate Causelink Enterprise with other software systems.

* available upon request, contact us.